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"Love Like The Moon" Crystal Gift Set

"Love Like The Moon" Crystal Gift Set

Love Like The Moon

This gift set is dedicated to your heart. All three crystal tumblestones resonate with your heart chakra and will keep it safe and balanced. Keep them on the Selenite Moon Plate when you're not using them as Selenite charges your crystals, meaning they will always be full of love for you. 


Included in gift box with an information card:


Rose Quartz Tumblestone - Probably the most well known heart chakra crystal. The stone of unconditional love, to yourself and to others. Rose Quartz is there for you whilst exploring new relationships and friendships as well as giving you the strength for self acceptance and self love, which is most important after all.


Amazonite Tumblestone - An anti anxiety stone. Amazonite soothes emotional heart trauma, a good stone for balancing your emotions and dispelling what you no longer need to hold on to in memory. This stone also helps encourage self confidence and being true to yourself.


Ruby in Fuchsite Tumblestone - A combination of two heart chakra crystals: Ruby and Fuchsite meaning this stone is pretty powerful. It starts by removing any emotional blockages in the heart and igniting a new feeling of passion. Find your self-worth and strengthen your bonds with loved ones.


Selenite Moon Charging Plate 



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